APHRC a conçu et piloté un certain nombre de programmes de formation pour répondre à la demande croissante des individus et des institutions pour une capacité de recherche plus forte. APHRC développe actuellement son Research Leadership and Training Center pour répondre à ses besoins croissants en matière d'installations de formation.

Le centre organise des programmes de formation pour répondre à la demande croissante des individus et des institutions dans ces domaines thématiques :

  • Leadership en matière de recherche : Nous nous concentrons sur le développement et le soutien des leaders de la recherche en Afrique sub-saharienne afin qu'ils soient reconnus au niveau mondial.
  • Leadership et gestion institutionnels : Nous aidons les dirigeants des institutions africaines à diriger et à conduire le changement.
  • Communication de la recherche : Nous ciblons les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les médias afin de combler les lacunes existantes en matière de recherche et de politiques et de faciliter la traduction et l'utilisation des données probantes dans la formulation des politiques.

Collection, Analysis and Utilization of Data on Violence Against Women and Girls in Africa_English V2

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to systematically, consistently and regularly collect, analyze, utilize data related to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in line with international and regional standards to inform laws, policies, and programs, and to track progress towards national, regional, and continental commitments to end VAWG. 

Global Early Adolescent Study Toolkit Training French

The course targets post-graduate students and early/mid-level career researchers working in gender and adolescence. The objective is to develop their capacity to understand how to apply the GEAS toolkit to measure gender norms and attitudes in adolescence. The course is hosted by the HRP Alliance Hub at APHRC whose mission is to serve as a regional knowledge translation hub for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The Hub works to develop the capacity of researchers to conduct research in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). 

Collection, Analysis and Utilization of Data on Violence Against Women and Girls in Africa_French

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to systematically, consistently and regularly collect, analyze, utilize data related to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in line with international and regional standards to inform laws, policies, and programs, and to track progress towards national, regional, and continental commitments to end VAWG. 

Collection, Analysis and Utilization of Data on Violence Against Women and Girls in Africa_English

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to systematically, consistently and regularly collect, analyze, utilize data related to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in line with international and regional standards to inform laws, policies, and programs, and to track progress towards national, regional, and continental commitments to end VAWG. 

Collecte, analyse et utilisation des données sur la violence contre les femmes et les filles en Afrique

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to systematically, consistently and regularly collect, analyze, utilize data related to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in line with international and regional standards to inform laws, policies, and programs, and to track progress towards national, regional, and continental commitments to end VAWG. 

Introduction à Moodle

Upon completion of this self-paced course you will be able to navigate the Moodle environment and play with  Moodle development elements in your own course sandbox.